Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver lic...

Property and Tangible Taxes

Property and Tangible Taxes

Your annual taxes are determined by the combined total of all ad valorem and non-ad valorem assessments. The Tax Collector is responsible for printing, mailing, and collecting tax payments once the Property Appraiser certifies the tax roll. 

  • Real estate property taxes (or real property taxes) are a combination of the assessed value of your real estate property and the services or infrastructure that affect your property (also referred to as ad valorem and non-ad valorem taxes). 
  • The Property Appraiser is responsible for determining the taxable values of all property within the county. Once exemptions are subtracted, the taxable value is then multiplied by the millage rate set by individual taxing authorities (such as the Board of County Commissioners, municipalities, and various taxing authorities in Seminole County). 
  • Tangible taxes are an ad valorem tax applied to furniture, fixtures, and equipment in businesses and rental properties, as well as to structural additions on mobile homes. They are sent alongside real estate Tax bills and are subject to the same discounts. 

Due Dates and Discounts

Current year taxes are billed in November. Residents are eligible for discounts during the following payment months: 

  • November: 4% discount 
  • December: 3% discount 
  • January: 2% discount 
  • February: 1% discount 
  • March: No discount 

The deadline to pay all property and tangible taxes is March 31st of the following year. 

All unpaid taxes become delinquent on April 1st. 

Tax Payments

Payments are accepted in our offices by cash, check, debit or credit, money order, or cashiers check. You may also pay by mail.

Click here to search or pay taxes online.

Checks payable to:  

Seminole County Tax Collector 

Mail payments to: 

Seminole County Tax Collector 
P.O. Box 630 
Sanford, FL 32772 

Physical mailing address for tax payments for FedEx and UPS: 

Seminole County Tax Collector 
1101 East First St Room 1200
Sanford, FL 32771

Our Offices Provide Motor Vehicle and Driver License Services for Seminole County Residents Only

Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver license services for Seminole County residents only. Concealed weapons permits, birth certificates, hunting and fishing licenses and self-service tag renewal kiosks are available to all Florida residents.