Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver lic...

Concealed Weapons Permits

Our office serves as an agent for the Florida Department of Agriculture to provide limited concealed weapons permit application and renewal services to Seminole County residents. 

  • Services are available at our Lake Mary and Casselberry branches only. 
  • Our offices now issue replacements!
  • Additional fees apply to obtain concealed weapons permits and replacements through the Tax Collector’s office.

You will need: 

  • Your photo ID (driver license or state issued identification card) 
  • Training document or other certificate 
  • If you have been arrested: certified copies of court documentation reflecting the final disposition of charge(s) 
  • If born outside of the United States: official documentation to confirm citizenship status 

To learn more information about eligibility requirements and documentation, visit the Department of Agriculture’s website. 

Our Offices Provide Motor Vehicle and Driver License Services for Seminole County Residents Only

Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver license services for Seminole County residents only. Concealed weapons permits, birth certificates, hunting and fishing licenses and self-service tag renewal kiosks are available to all Florida residents.