Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver lic...
Our offices are unable to issue birth certificates at this time due to a temporary outage with the Florida Department of Health and Vital Statistics. All county health departments can assist the public with Vital Statistics offline. Please visit their website below for more information.
Our office has partnered with the Florida Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics to issue certified copies of Florida birth certificates to eligible individuals.
1. Picture ID
If you are applying for a copy of you or your child’s Florida birth certificate you must bring your valid/current picture ID.
Acceptable forms of picture ID include:
2. Eligibility
Determine your eligibility (relationship) to receive a Florida birth certificate. You must meet one of the following criteria:
3. Certificate Holder Information
Be prepared to provide information about the person named on the Florida birth certificate:
4. Applicant Information
Be prepared to provide information about the person obtaining the Florida birth certificate:
5. Application for Florida Birth Record
Save time and complete the Application for Birth Record prior to visiting one of our offices.
Reminder: Please contact the Florida Department of Health in Seminole County to make changes or amendments to your current birth certificate records or print certificates with court documents or adoption paperwork.
FL Dept of Health
400 W. Airport Blvd
Sanford, FL 32773
Certified Computer Certificate: $21.25 ($15.00 Florida Department of Health Birth Certificate fee + $6.25 Seminole County Tax Collector administrative fee). Each additional copy is $8.00.
Please note that a convenience fee will apply for all credit and debit card payments.
The Seminole County Tax Collector is a proud member of the Florida Tax Collectors Association. Terms of Service • © 2025 Seminole County Tax Collector’s Office. All rights reserved.
Under F.S. 668.6076, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. The accuracy of the information provided on this website is not guaranteed for legal purposes. Changes occur daily to the content. All content on this website, including but not limited to text, logos, buttons, icons and images, is property of the Seminole County Tax Collector. We continually strive to make our website and staff accessible to everyone, including our citizens with disabilities. If you need additional help or would like to suggest an update to our website, please contact us via phone or form.
Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver license services for Seminole County residents only. Concealed weapons permits, birth certificates, hunting and fishing licenses and self-service tag renewal kiosks are available to all Florida residents.