Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver lic...


Contact Us

Customer Service 

Call (407) 665-1000
Email customerservice@seminolecounty.tax 

Mailing and Shipping Address 

Seminole County Tax Collector 
P.O. Box 630 
Sanford, FL 32772-0630 

Overnight Deliveries 

For Tax Payments 

Seminole County Tax Collector 
1101 E. 1st. Street 
Room 1200 
Sanford, FL 32771 

For Tag and Title Payments 

Seminole County Tax Collector 
1101 E. 1st. Street 
Room 1233 
Sanford, FL 32771 

Media Inquiries


Rebekah H.
Public Relations Coordinator 
(407) 665-7889

Public Records Requests

It is the policy of the Seminole County Tax Collector’s office to comply with Florida’s Public Records Law, chapter 119, Florida Statutes, governing the public’s right to access records held by the agency. Unless exempt or confidential, public records can be obtained via request, written or oral. 


(407) 665-7889

ATTN: Public Records 
1101 E First Street 
Sanford, FL 32771 

In person requests can be made at any of our branch locations. 

Our Offices Provide Motor Vehicle and Driver License Services for Seminole County Residents Only

Our offices provide motor vehicle and driver license services for Seminole County residents only. Concealed weapons permits, birth certificates, hunting and fishing licenses and self-service tag renewal kiosks are available to all Florida residents.